Monday, February 17, 2014

Hello Again!!

It's been a while since I last said hello to you all!  I have been in the frozen northlands of Sweden (called the Laplands).  I will get more to our trip to Kiruna later, but thought I would just do a quick one tonight before I either do more Stats, or more likely, think about stats and go to sleep.

As for last Tuesday, it was Emily's Birthday!!
*I managed to make it as geeky as possible
*But not because "I'm Batman" ;P
She had a party at the commons in her dorms.  She didn't end up telling anyone until about 2300, and the guys I went with didn't get a hints when they asked what was in my box, and I told them Birthday Cake.  Oh well, we had a very fun night until early in the morning and had to walk from Juneporten (luckily not from her dorm....that would have been very long,  and she knows this well! ;P).  It was a very interesting walk home, but very, very fun. [Thanks Emily]

 I believe she had a goodnight [good Birthday] and we had to prepare for the next day's journey to Kiruna!

I still have to sign her my family's version of Happy Birthday [I couldn't get to it before we had to run to the bus], so if you read this, be warned Emily!

Picture time!

Polish in their natural smiles.

[they actually can smile, I just thought I would show you that]
Emily and I and a guy who was visiting a guy with us, named Arthur.

On our way home we got a bus from Emily's to Juneporten...

Brian, Adam, Olek.

Not so lucky from Juneporten to home, so we hiked it!  [we knew we would have to before we left, but it was worth it!]

tried photos over the lake to the city

Pictionary time!

It was 


Disclaimer: Yes, I am very tired!  yeah!

One more thing!  Before I tell you all the places I've been, I have another "Where's Waldo" moment brought to you by Emily. 
Can you find this woman?  Use caution when approaching! ;D

More to come later!  I'll leave the Kiruna for a little later so you'll have time to guess!  I have Pictures stored for many blogs for you!

Blog you later!

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